Research and testing is underway to reduce biodiesel production costs and address cold weather problems. Biodiesel is a well-liked energy option with the foremost oil companies.
Biodiesel refers to the pure fuel before blending with diesel fuel. Since biodiesel can readily be used in current diesel engines without having to modify them, it has the potential to supplement the use of petroleum-based fuels as a primary energy source to fill up the need of the world's transportation sector. Biofuel is also winning votes among environmentalists.
It also results in lower noise pollution. The fuel has similar properties as that of the diesel, making it easy to use. The vegetable oil has to pass a simple chemical process that is called transesterification in order to become biodiesel.
The Biotech Industry has begun to help with the need to find alternative fuel sources for the future by looking at how to get more from less. What should be the governments role be in promoting the use of biodiesel?
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