Tuesday, December 23, 2008

recipe for biodiesel Fundamentals

Remember how oil prices soared immediately after the Hurricane Katrina, now is a good time for alternative fuel. Biodiesel is bio-degradable, eco-friendly and a non-poisonous fuel.

Biodiesel is good for the environment. Most of the diesel engines do not require any modification in order to use bio-diesel instead of petrodiesel. Rapeseed or soybean oil is most commonly used to make this alternative fuel.

The ecological reason of using biodiesel is not less important than saving money. It can be readily used in diesel engine vehicles. You can also use vegetable oil that has already been used.

Biofuel can be mixed with diesel for those who are reluctant to put their faith in the alternative. Despite agreement in principle that biodiesel has a role to play in helping to reduce emissions unless politicians give clear guidelines about the future of renewable fuels there will continue to be a haphazard take up around the world.

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