Friday, April 10, 2009

biodiesel forum - It's Your Choice

Biofuel can be broadly defined as solid, liquid, or gas fuel consisting of, or derived from biomass. Biodiesel is a popular energy alternative with the major oil companies.

It has a lower emission compared to petroleum diesel, so it has a better effect on our environment. There is also ongoing research into using sewage grow algae which is then used in the refining process. It can be purchased directly from biodiesel producers and marketers, petroleum distributors, or at a handful of public pumps throughout the nation.

It is less toxic than table salt and biodegrades as fast as sugar. The vegetable oil can be fresh or virgin oil made from soybeans, corn, mustard, flaxseed, and sunflower oil. Bio-diesel and petroleum diesel mix extremely well and are commercially available in variety of combinations.

There are subsequent environmental benefits when choosing to use biodiesel over conventional petroleum based diesel. There is still a lot of work ahead of us to truly replace the fossil fuels with bio fuel.

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